Drunken Movie Video Reviews

For when you're too hung over to read or you are on the go and you just needs some soothing drunken commentary to calm your innards. Not really any other options here as far as I can tell of why one would engage in such ludicrousnesses!

DMR Videos

Live Streams

Need some good tunes to listen to while you get on with your day? Or want to see how the Now Playing Posters are created? Now you can do both! Always great random desert rock/stoner rock, unless it isn't. Bands like 1000mods All Them Witches Atomic Bitchwax Brant Bjork Brant Bjork and the Bros Cloud Catcher Dead Meadow Dozer Earthless Elder Fu Manchu Glowsun Graveyard Green Desert Water Greenleaf Guadalupe Plata Holy Mushroom Kyng Kyuss Lo-Pan Lowrider Luna Sol Monster Magnet Mos Generator My Sleeping Karma Mythic Sunship NAP Orange Goblin Psychlona Queens of the Stone Age Radio Moscow Red Stone Souls Russian Circles Samsara Blues Experiment Sasquatch Slift Slow Season Spaceslug Stone Deaf Sundrifter Telekinetic Yeti The Atomic Bitchwax The Bakerton Group The Black Angels The Desert Sessions The Sword Truckfighters Westing Wo Fat Yawning Man

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