This movie is filled with non-stop great one-liners and gags. It truly is a comedy classic. I can't imagine a film like this being made in today's "politically correct" society, at least not from such a major studio. Few cultural stereotype are left ignored (and is pretty much part of the joke), all wrapped up into a crazy western. This is a truly silly movie that we've seen little of in recent, well, decades.
This is one of those movies that either you've seen a dozen times (at least), or have no idea what it's all about. It's really a great film, from the writing to the acting (usually hammed up to the hilt, which, for this movie, is quite appropriate), to the music and lyrics sprinkled throughout. It pokes fun at so many things, from stereotypes to film genres to (relatively) modern references, it's really amazing how it's all pulled together. For the few people that may have been living in a cave and haven't seen it, there's no reason why you shouldn't see this film, you'll be pleasantly amused at least. Great supporting cast by Harvey Corman, Madeline Kahn, Slim Pickens, and many more.
While not Mel Brook's best film (I think that would have to go to Young Frankenstein), it's definitely one of his better, with great humor from beginning to end. The thing that cracks me up the most is how some tight-assed moral windbags have treated this film in years past. I haven't caught it lately when played on "television" (shudder), but it has a hilarious scene cut out. It involves a bunch of cowboys sitting around a campfire, eating beans, and farting up a storm. Okay, it's kinda crude, but funny nonetheless. But these fuckwad sensors think this is somehow obscene, while even commercials more lewd and demeaning air on a daily basis. WTF? Some people just have no clue.