This is a movie where you mention the title, and people go "huh?" The name itself is a strange warping of english vocal skills, and pretty much applies that to the screen, but in a good way. This is a weird amalgamation of horror, drama, and black comedy that's like a, well, fucked if I know, I still can't put my finger on it. All I know is this is a well done independent film that somehow meshes two (well, three actually) mythologies into one odd viewing experience.
What we're dealing with here is Elvis, in the “present day,” stuck in a somewhat shabby convalescence home in Mud Creek, Texas, just kinda making it by from day to day. Nobody really knows/believes it's him, and his meager existence makes him wonder how exactly he came to be there (and what the nature of a certain growth he's got is really is all about). But then some odd things start happening, and wakes him up out of the stupor he's been in. One of the other residents, a black man who thinks he's JFK, thinks there's an assassin loose in Shady Rest and the two band together to fight off the threat.
It seems rather silly in the quick translation, but what we have here is, well, yeah, a horror movie at heart, but really is a great alternate reality kind of deal of the King. Bruce Campbell tones down the campiness to put in a great performance as the geriatric Elvis, but what really grounds the movie is an amazing turn by Ossie Davis as JFK. Pure genius. Sure the story gets a little out there at points, but there's really a great drama here (if you can believe it) dealing with the effects of old age, regret, and what to do if faced with a living mummy. Based on the award-winning short story of the same name by Joe R. Lansdale.
Can’t add much else from the above. This story still kicks ass. Great combination of the wistfulness of old age and mummy huntin. Quite the pair, there! Bruce really is fantastic as the aging Elvis, Ossie continues to thoroughly impress as JFK, and Reggie makes a nice little non-ice cream man appearance. Perfect little niche story for Coscarelli to take on, very well done.